Did you all make a card for WCMD? I did and posted it a couple of places. Looking at the card more carefully, I decided the sentiment needed tweeking. Since my SU Chocolate Chip ink pad was out waiting to be reinked, I sponged it around the rectangle. Looks better, IMHO.
I started with the woodsy/leafy DSP using part of my 6x6 paper stack. The other side is this wonderful blue, so used the tall vase die that matches the Earthern Textures stamp set to hold some leaves. The two tan leaves were cut from snippets of paper in my scraps drawer, so I am adding the card to The Snippets Playground #464. The blue fern came from the same piece as the vase. The vase was double cut for some dimension.
The card base is SU Very Vanilla which I rarely use, and the sentiment is from the above stamp set.
A pretty easy card to make. I will probably send it to my daughter who has done so much for me lately.
What a fabulous card Jeanne. You reminded me that I have an as yet unused vase die (probably MB) - need to dig it out and have a play. I really love your Autumn hues with the gorgeous blue. Perfect!
Di xx
That's a lovely autumnal card Jeanne. I love the sentiment too.
Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse later. xxx
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